April 23, 2024

Nisan 15, 5784


PNC Benjamin A. Chasin


Iyar 7, 5756

May 24, 1910 to April 25, 1996

Benjamin Chasin, 1957-1958. PNC Chasin received the Bronze Star Medal as a member of the 33rd Infantry Division during the Second World War. After separating from active duty in 1946, Chasin remained a member of the active reserve and became a member of the Jewish War Veterans. Chasin proceeded to become active in JVW and held every office available in the lower echelons. Chasin also served on JVW's Foreign Affairs Committee and many other subcommittees on major issues which faced the organization. Following his term as National Commander, Chasin was appointed Chairman of the National Executive Committee.


Served from January 1, 1942 to January 1, 1976

Highest JWV Position

National Commander

Post or Auxiliary


Military Specialty



Lt. Colonel