April 27, 2024

Nisan 19, 5784


PNC Murray L. Rosen


Kislev 14, 5751

March 4, 1926 to November 30, 1990

Murray Rosen, 1989-1990. Murray Rosen served in the Army during World War II and joined the Jewish War Veterans in 1949. For the next forty years, PNC Rosen was a well-respected leader at all levels of the organization. PNC Rosen served as the JVW National Convention Co-Chair and sat on the National Executive Committee, among other committees. PNC Rosen served as a Post and County Commander in his native New York and then relocated and served as the California State Commander and the Los Angeles County Commander. PNC Rosen's commitment to the United States' military and soldiers was illustrated by his Chairmanship of the Vietnam Servicemen's Package Committee in New York.


Served from January 1, 1942 to January 1, 1945

Highest JWV Position

National Commander

Post or Auxiliary

Post 603

Military Specialty



Staff Sergeant