April 26, 2024

Nisan 18, 5784


PNC Sam Shaikewitz


Tevet 3, 5739

December 3, 1908 to January 1, 1979

Sam Shaikewitz, 1958-1959. PNC Shaikewitz, a former Marine, is the founder and first commander of the Allied Veterans Americanism Commission of St. Louis and is also a past commander, Post 6510, Veterans of Foreign Wars. Along with his many communal activities, PNC Shaikewitz was also Post, Department, and Regional Commander, and a member of the Shrine. PNC Shaikewitz has received citations from the Marine Corps, the AMVETS, the Catholic War Veterans, the VFW, and various other groups as well as from the Jewish War Veterans.

Marine Corps

Highest JWV Position

Past National Commander

Post or Auxiliary